Matteo Manfredi
Here are some info about me.

Hello there! This is my website, but let me tell you about me first…
I'm Matteo, I was born 28 years ago in Italy. I'm currently working as Chief Technology Officer at R.M. Manfredi, handling the company and its subsidiaries for all tech needs.
I studied Computer Engineering at Politecnico di Torino, and I've always loved technology. I also love data analysis, databases, and web design.
If I'm not tinkering with technology you'll find me watching F1 and tennis, or hiking up a mountain. You can also find me on Cloudflare's Community and on the Cloudflare Developers Discord server, I've been a Community MVP since 2018.
I do run a couple of unofficial Cloudflare Tools, that you can find here:
One day I might write up a blog post about those...
You can contact me on this website, in the contact page.
At the bottom of the page you can see a list of places you can find me on the internet. My username, in most places, is @itsmatteomanf.